
23 July, 2010

Finally, Farewell to my exam...

Exam was gone to rest. Vacance is replacing the pre-exam efforts. There are much more crazy stuffs to deal with after exam. One is a nasty task that need to finish instantly and the other is to plan a typical routine for the upcoming 2 months school-off. I just hope I can constantly survive those days.
Primarily, my bed is all messed with school 'debris' that need to washed off in a panic. Since June (30 days before), my bed was practically a bookshelf that filled everywhere with books and papers required for an astounding exam approaching fast. Some time, I need to find elsewhere to take a nap and to enjoy my sleeping (less than 7 hours a day). Bed, a favorite place of all time, was simply a shocking pile of sheets!

Moreover, due to a short period of holidays, plans for the vacance has to be set. Since, 2 months is keenly not enough for any guys who spend their entire effort in one year duration. I am also one of them. Basically, in a couple of months, my typical schedule is set to game and sleeping. Luckily, according to some ideas, some plans were also introduced for me to spend in August and September. Here are some of them:
08:30-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Game and online things
10:00-11:00 A little reading
11:00-12:15 Nap
12:15-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Nap
15:00-17:00 Activities*
17:00-18:00 Game
18:00-19:00 Nap
19:00-21:00 Dinner and TV
21:00-23:00 A little reading
23:00-00:00 TV
00:00-08:30 Sleep

Voìla, here are also some of my activities:
-Multiple gals dating
-In a temporary relationship
-On phone
-Overtime sleep
-Videos and TV

Simultaneously, I may put on weight. Annually, I gain around 4kg. Anyway, this year, I am suppose to make a 10kg increased to my mass spontaneously and it will actually reach the superior limit of my BMI. However, it lasts only for 2 months a year.

Thus, with fulltime class on bed and leisure activities, August and September are the most and most favorite part of calendar every year. Everything are going to be pretty well and grease for this ultimate 2 months and everything is not gonna be forgotten.

Will I enjoy the vacance, and So do you...

05 July, 2010

Public health CPA&MPA

CPA: Complementary Package of activities
MPA: Minimum Packages of activities


02 July, 2010

Signe de Malet Guy

Position décubitus latérale gauche
Palpation pour le rebord costal gauche
Douleur au cours de l'insipation profonde


Signe de Mayo Robson

En position décubitus dorsal, on note la présence de douleur au niveau de l'angle costo-lombaire gauche.